1. Things will go wrong (It’s okay, we’ll work through it!)
2. It will take a lot longer than you think it will (Not much we can do about this one, just adjust the expectations, and smile through it!)
3. There will be a lot more decisions than you think there will be (Don’t’ sweat it, that’s why we’re here!)
4. You will probably think we’re nuts when we first propose something out-of-the-box (That's okay! Let it ruminate for a day or so. You might decide you like the idea of having something no one else has!)
5. You might find yourself in a situation where you and your spouse, child, friend, ect. disagree about a design decision. No need to worry! We are excellent at design mediation!
6. We will laugh our way through the process, but rest assured, we take our work and your project very seriously!